about us

Welcome to our unique and passionate community of online racing players!

We are a place where speed, adrenaline and competition merge into an unforgettable experience for riders of all skill levels.

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Our community

Our community was founded with the goal of bringing riders from all over the world together in one place to share their passion and knowledge about this exciting and exciting discipline.

What makes us different:

Passion for Racing: We have gathered in one place the true fans of racing sports who share a common passion for speed and adrenaline. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced racer, here you will find your niche and inspiration for further development.

To learn more

Training and advice: If you are new to the world of racing or want to improve your skills, we are happy to help. We have sections with tutorials, tips from experienced riders and the opportunity to discuss strategies and tactics with other members.

Active forum and chat: Our forum and chat provide a space for communication, exchange of opinions and discussion of racing news. Here you will find like-minded people with whom you can share your experience and interests.

Functional Design: Our site is designed with user convenience in mind. Easy navigation and a clear structure will make it easy for you to find the information you need and participate in events.

We support a wide range of racing games and platforms, so there is something for everyone. From arcade racing to simulations, from PC platforms to consoles and mobile devices, we always have a place for every racer.

Game selection

Variety of games and platforms:

Join our community

Join our community today and plunge into the exciting world of racing. We look forward to welcoming you and all riders, rookies and veterans alike, to create legendary racing moments together!